A very common and precise method of divining is palmistry, or Cheiromancy (pronounced "kei-ro-mansy"). After it, the famous nineteenth-century palmist, Leic de Hamon (Louis Hamon), was called "Cheiro." You may trace the craft of palmistry back as far as the Stone Ages. In cave drawings, pictures of human hands are often seen, suggesting their particular interest in this section of the body. You can see these drawings in the Caves of Lascaux in France, the remarkable Caves of Santander in Spain and in other caves in Africa. There was an array of data on palmistry in the ancient Vedic scriptures. K.C. K.C. The earliest writings on palmistry, Sen, an eminent Indian palmist, claims, is ancient Sanskrit. These verses were kept and are now protected from the public eye. In the early 1900s, Cheiro, the famous palm player, claimed to have seen one of these manuscripts.
There are good references to palmistry in the Old Testament of the Bible:
“Behold, I have graven thee on the palms of my hands, thy walls are
continually before me” Isaiah 49:16)
“He sealeth up the hand of every man, that all men may know his
work.” Job 37:7.
“...and he said, Wherefore doth my lord thus pursue after his servant?
for what have I done? of what evil is in my hand?” 1 Samuel 26:18.
“Length of days is in her right hand; and in her left hand riches and
honor”. Proverbs 3:16.
The leading seers of the time met at the royal palace before the birth of Buddha in 563 B.C. They were attracted by outstanding signals revealed in the stars. They were ecstatic to see the wheel symbol on the hands and feet of Buddha, signaling his greatness in the future. This unique label is still searched for by palmists in India in the palms of infants. Around the eleventh century, the Gypsies, originally a nomadic tribe from western India, came into the scene, although they had practiced palmistry for centuries before. The gypsies were recruited as spies by Sigismund, the Holy Roman Emperor. Word of this quickly circulated and they were not admitted inside when the Gypsies arrived at the gates of Paris in 1427. The residents of the area, nonetheless, rushed outside to have their fortunes told, fascinated and excited by these romantic strangers. The custom of crossing silver with a Gypsy palm goes back to this period. In order to overcome this, the Gypsies clarified that both silver and the sign of the cross were terrified of the Devil. Therefore, if you made a sign of the cross over a Gypsy's hand with silver you would be safe. Needless to mention, the silver was guarded by the Gypsies.
A product of the last century is the interest in the use of palmistry for psychological study. The first major work on this subject was The Hands of Infants, which appeared in 1944, by Julius Spier. Not unexpectedly, Carl Jung wrote the introduction. This was followed immediately by works by Noel Jaquin, Charlotte Wolf, and Andrew Fizherbert in 1990.
Study on palm trends has been going on at the Kennedy Galton Centre near London since the Second World War. This study has led researchers to confirm that the hand will assess health factors.
The most interesting breakthrough in the history of palmistry is probably the latest research into dermatoglyphics (the study of skin patterns). While palmistry dates back to the Stone Ages, it has just begun its greatest era. Now that scientists are confirming its legitimacy, the success of palmistry is guaranteed!
Line and finger path references are read as you see your customer's hand. The fingertips point toward you.
Look at the fingers before reading the palm, to see whether they are short or long. When you're just started, this is not always easy to gauge, but a little practice will help you to determine the length of the finger at a glance.
If they may fold back and hit a spot at least seven-eights of the way down the hand, the fingers are called long. There are exceptions, unfortunately, as some persons have highly flexible hands and others are very rigid. Often, since the palm itself is very long, anyone with an exceptionally oblong palm will have long fingers that only stretch halfway down the palm. You'll be able to look at someone's hand with maturity and instinctively know whether the fingers are long or small. When you're first practicing and see a hand with fingers that appear to be neither long nor short, the dilemma comes. Thankfully, we will fix that scenario as well.
And Long Digits
The person pays attention to detail if the fingers are long then you may say:
"You love difficult jobs. You're polite and like all the fiddly bits-in stuff, you like the details. It must be very consuming and gratifying for your job. You lose interest quite easily if it's too easy.
Shortened Fingers
Almost the same is anyone with short digits. Instead of the specifics, they'll be more interested in the wide strokes and won't have much time. Can you say:
Still, you're busy. Often, before you've accomplished the last mission, you might start something new. Around the same moment, you always have several items on the go. Right now, you seem to want it all, but persistence is not your strong suit. In the past, your impulsiveness got you into trouble. You're a jack-of-all-trades in several respects.
Fingers of Modest Range
Of course, anyone with digits that are neither long nor short is going to fall into the middle class. Can you say:
"You should be very careful at times. However, you're prone to leap first and consider later at all moments. You want to get right down to the bottom of things and figure it all out if anything particularly concerns you. If it's just a fleeting curiosity, you're more likely to skim through it and not learn it in much depth."
We now have to dig at four possibilities:
1. Hands square and short fingers
2. Hands square and long fingers
3. Oblong, short-fingered palms
4. Oblong, long-fingered palms
This is the category used by Chinese palmistry. It comes from the monumental book by Fred Getting, The Book of the Hand. The four forms are named after the four ancient elements: fire, earth, air, and water. Both contribute quite much to the explanations of astrology's signs of fire, earth, air and water, but it does not actually mean that a Sagittarian (a sign of fire) will have a hand of fire. In any sign of the Zodiac, you will see individuals of all four styles of paws.